The Post Family News: 4/22-4/26

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Post family news! Story Time Social media plays an important role in our teens lives. Many of them use social media as a primary means of communication. Lately our teens have been “tagging” our building with their social media names. They write them on pieces of paper, on […]

The Post Family News: 4/1-4/5

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Post Family News! Story Time At the Post on Tuesdays throughout the school year we have been watching videos from a series called Alpha. This series discusses the basics of Christianity and includes discussion questions throughout each episode. Over the last couple of weeks the students have begun […]

The Post Family News: 2/4-2/8

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Post Family News! Story Time This past week at the Post we worked on making a promo video for the Pancake Breakfast. We planned to have many individual kids say “You’re invited” and show a montage of these students at the beginning of the video. As you can […]

The Post Family News: 1/28-2/1

Welcome back to the Post Family News. Here is what has been going on around the Post. Story Time This past week after one of our programs the students wanted a snack. We went into the kitchen and E-man found some macaroni. A perfect quick snack for our teens. As E-man boiled the noodles a […]

The Post Family News

Friends, we view you all as part of our team. Without your prayers, encouragement, and donations what we do at the Post would be impossible. Because you are an important part of our team, we want to keep you up to date about Post happenings. Every Monday we will share “The Post Family News” on […]

The Post Youth Center Raises Money For Heating System

By SHERRY VAN ARSDALL GOSHEN — The Post-Youth Center needs a new heating system. Last fall, the boiler system had issues and that resulted in the need for a complete replacement of the original system in the century-old building that formerly housed the Goshen Post Office, according to director Nate West. “The safety valves […]

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