The Post Family News: 1/28-2/1

Welcome back to the Post Family News. Here is what has been going on around the Post.

Story Time

This past week after one of our programs the students wanted a snack. We went into the kitchen and E-man found some macaroni. A perfect quick snack for our teens. As E-man boiled the noodles a few of the teens hung out with him in the kitchen. E-man shared this story with us saying, “He was about tearing up”. One of the boys in the kitchen with E-man is currently fatherless due to the death of his father. This teen remarked, “You know, I always used to make macaroni with my dad”. At times this teen can be hard to get to know, lately he has been sharing more. After the noodles where ready E-man grabbed a bunch of spices and asked the two boys in the kitchen to add some flavor to the macaroni. The macaroni turned out to be extremely tasty.

The teens talked about the macaroni and how good it was even the next day. In the cafe the teen remarked, “My dad and I used to make macaroni together” and took pride in how good it turned out. It was wonderful to see the teen connecting and being able to have a good memory about his father. It was toward closing time that we made the macaroni. We could have easily said it was too late. What is a normal activity to us, became a time for a teen to remember his father.

This Week at The Post

As you are probably all aware the weather this week will be on the not-so-great side. Therefore, this week is a little unpredictable. We will keep our social media updated about hours and any closings that may happen. As of right now tonight I, Whitney, plan to share a testimony for “I AM SECOND”. Tomorrow we will continue our Alpha series and focus on who the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit does. Wednesday, we will continue our time of sharing stories with each other. Finally, Thursday we will be discussing conversation skills.


We are continuing to see growth in our teens. One teen mentioned not wanting to swear as much because “God got a hold of him”. Also, we are gearing up for our pancake breakfast in March and we seem to be making progress.

Prayer Requests

Continue to pray for the spiritual growth of our teens. Also please keep the pancake breakfast in your prayers as we get ready for that. Look forward to some interesting advertising. On my to-do-list this week is “get pancake costume”.

Dates to Remember

Pancake Breakfast– March 9th from 7 AM to 12 PM at the Post


Again, thank you for all you do. We truly appreciate the support. Reach out to us anytime via social media. We would love to interact with you.


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